Charger Athletics
Charger Athletics is gearing up for fall sports! Join us:
Who: All fall sports participants and their parent/guardian
What: Fall Sports Meeting
Where: Goodridge Public School
When: Wednesday, August 7th. Registration from 6:00-7:00 pm, parent/coaches/athlete meeting at 7:00 pm
What do I need to do to prior to the meeting?
Parents/Guardians should visit the school website to complete the Sign-up and Emergency Medical Information form. Click here: 2024 Fall Sports Sign-Up and Emergency Medical Form. Please complete this by Thursday, August 1st!
Complete all required MSHSL paperwork - All students must have an MSHSL Annual Health Questionaire and an MSHSL Eligibility Form completed each year. Click here: 2024-2025 High School Sports Forms
Complete a medical physical if you are a new athlete, or it has been more than 3 years since your last physical. To obtain the form, print the Physical Exam Form (link above) and bring it with you to your appointment.
Fill out the Participation/Deposit fees form. Click here: 2024-2025 Goodridge Participation Fees/Deposit Form
Sports deposits are only required for 1st time athletes
Book deposits are only required for 4th graders or new students in grades 5-12
Have your check/cash ready to go. Checks can be made payable to GHS.
Bring your completed forms:
to the fall sports meeting
mail it/drop it off at the Goodridge or Grygla school office!
Email it to:
Cynthia in Goodridge:
Shaunna in Grygla:
We look forward to seeing our fall student athletes on Wednesday, August 7th!
The 2024-2025 High School Sports Eligibility forms are available! All High School athletes must have on file:
1) 2024 Fall Sports Sign-Up/Medical Info, available at the link above.
2) A Sports Qualifying Physical Examination Medical Eligibility Form, signed by a medical professional. This form is valid for 3 calendar years with a normal Annual Health Questionnaire. It is REQUIRED for all first-time high school athletes, and must be renewed every 3 calendar years.
3) MSHSL Annual Health Questionnaire - this form is completed annually, and must be signed by a parent and the athlete.
4) MSHSL Eligibility Brochure - this form is completed annually, and must be signed by the parent and the athlete.