Swimming lessons will be offered this summer at the Fosston Civic Center to students in current grades KG—6. Lessons will be Tuesday - Friday, May 28th through May 31st, & June 3rd through 7th. Swimming time will be from 1:45 - 3:30 p.m. The bus will depart Goodridge at approximately 12:30 pm, and return to Goodridge at approximately 4:15 pm. We will also offer a stop in Highlanding. Please note that Charger Academy is not offered this summer; The cost is $50 per student. Register here before 5/1 - limited to 40 registrants: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSft6PU-_W-oI_v9vXY1P-GiLXaawAF-uCLSMHlCgdLOSt0I3g/viewform?usp=sf_link
12 months ago, Cynthia Jensen
Greetings, REMINDER: School will dismiss at 12:30 pm this Friday, March 22nd, following lunch. Buses will run at this time. Please call the office for any bus changes! PLEASE NOTE: There is NO SCHOOL next Friday, March 29th, or Monday, April 1st.
12 months ago, Cynthia Jensen
Good morning, If your child is participating in spring high school track (open to students in grades 7-12), please be sure to sign them up here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeEPqzF-kumdzGUb_Mp3hneJOnyeaVy2ggFpkhmTgppzWvJQA/viewform?usp=sf_link Also, track participation fee is $50. Please send payment to the office as soon as possible. Thank you!
12 months ago, Cynthia Jensen
Classroom Driver's Education will start on Monday, March 18th for all 9th grade students and any other student who has good reason to attend.   Please fill out the form by Thursday, March 14th if your son/daughter will be in Classroom Driver's Education this year.  Please let Mr. Loberg know if you have any questions.  Click on the link to sign your son/daughter up for Classroom Driver's Education.  https://forms.gle/Z7UxecszxxPyWNWM7 Classroom Driver's Education Parent Letter, Rules, and Expectations:  https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-qLRJmVJrVdtfTqrhPOKP-aINgnW5_ixhOohisP6Zdc/edit?usp=sharing
12 months ago, Tomas Loberg
Good morning, due to the inclement weather Goodridge School will have an E-Learning day for today, Tuesday, February 27th. Students will learn from home and follow their E-Learning plans provided by their teacher. There will be no after school events or activities. Tonight's boys basketball game vs Warroad @ Grygla will be postponed and rescheduled to Thursday, 2/29. More information to come.
about 1 year ago, Tomas Loberg
Goodridge school and buses will be 2 hours late for today, Tuesday, February 27th. There will be no morning weight room.
about 1 year ago, Tomas Loberg
Tomorrow's Sub-Section Knowledge Bowl Meet been postponed and rescheduled for next Tuesday.
about 1 year ago, Tomas Loberg
The Spring Trap Shooting Team is open for all grades 6-12 students. There is a parent/athlete meeting TONIGHT (2/21) at 6:30 pm in the small gym - this is a correction to the flyer sent out and the information in the daily bulletin. Athletes must be signed up by 2/28 - sign-up is outside the school office. Please call the school with any questions!
about 1 year ago, Cynthia Jensen
Tomorrow will be the last Intramural Basketball Day of the school year for 4th-6th graders. Games will start at 9:50AM. Click on the link and scroll down to Feb. 15th for tomorrow's Intramural Basketball Schedule and please call the school if you have any questions. Reminder that tomorrow is a half day with school and buses dismissing at 12:30, followed by Parent-Teacher Conferences tomorrow afternoon and evening. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1fVpE-3qZuDdkzGaBMQtDO-yRy-cp8Wf3_bPlQuAeYCc/edit?usp=sharing
about 1 year ago, Tomas Loberg
Correction - The high school/adult open gym @ 1:00-3:00 and the elementary open gym @ 3:00-5:00 will be this Sunday, 2/11. The date was listed incorrectly in the last message.
about 1 year ago, Tomas Loberg
There will be 2 Open Gym times this Sunday, 2/10. An Adult/HS Open Gym @ 1:00-3:00 and an Elementary Open Gym (elementary age students and families) @ 3:00-5:00. Elementary students must also have a parent/guardian with them when they attend the Elementary Open Gym. The Elementary Open Gym will focus on basketball skills for roughly the first half and then be open gym for the last half. This is open to all community members and Goodridge School Students. Please let Mr. Loberg know if you have any questions.
about 1 year ago, Tomas Loberg
Reminder: Next Thursday, February 15th, is an early dismissal day! Students will be dismissed at 12:30 pm following lunch. Parent/Teacher conferences will be held from 1:15 pm to 7:30 pm. There is NO SCHOOL on Friday, February 16th, or Monday, February 19th! Enjoy the long weekend!
about 1 year ago, Cynthia Jensen
Good morning, The yellow bus route (Tony's route) is running about 30 minutes behind due to bus troubles. Please call the school if you have any questions. Thank you!
about 1 year ago, Becky Carlson
Good afternoon, The Yellow Route will be running about 20 minutes late tonight due to having to go back and get another bus. Everyone is safe and warm. Please call the school if you have any questions.
about 1 year ago, Tomas Loberg
Good afternoon, Here are a few Calendar Updates: 1. There is no Intramural Basketball for grades 4-6 this Friday due to Snofest Week festivities. This was already in the schedule. Intramurals will resume next Friday, 2/2 @ 1:30. Click on the link for the full Intramural Schedule: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1fVpE-3qZuDdkzGaBMQtDO-yRy-cp8Wf3_bPlQuAeYCc/edit?usp=sharing 2. Graduation will be on Friday, May 17th @ 3:30 p.m. School and buses will be dismissed at 12:30 p.m. on Friday, May 17th. Please call the school if you have any questions.
about 1 year ago, Tomas Loberg
Good morning, The bus issue has been resolved, and is going again. IF YOUR CHILD NEEDS TO BE PICKED UP STILL, PLEASE CALL THE SCHOOL AND THE BUS WILL COME. If we do not hear from a parent, we will assume the students have an alternate ride to school.
about 1 year ago, Cynthia Jensen
Good morning, Due to a bus issue, the orange bus (Dale's bus) cannot continue its route at this time. There will be NO orange bus pick-ups this morning! If your child is unable to get to school today, please call the school so we can arrange for alternate transportation for those that need it. The students that are currently on the orange bus are safe, and warm. We are sending out alternate transportation to pick them up. We will send more updates if needed. Please call the school with any questions!
about 1 year ago, Cynthia Jensen
Intramural Basketball for grades 4-6 will now start at 1:30PM beginning tomorrow (1/19). Please click on the link for the updated schedule. Note that the last Friday (2/15), Intramurals will start at 9:50, because it is a half day of school. Please call the school if you have any questions. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1fVpE-3qZuDdkzGaBMQtDO-yRy-cp8Wf3_bPlQuAeYCc/edit?usp=sharing
about 1 year ago, Tomas Loberg
Attention Students & Parents: As per school/bus policy, students will NOT be allowed on the bus before school, after school, or to and from extracurricular activities without proper winter clothing. This includes a winter jacket, hat, gloves, and snow boots. Snow pants are required for elementary students only. With temperatures dipping dangerously low, students need to be prepared in case of a bus breakdown or emergency. Students not wearing appropriate clothing will not be allowed on the bus. Thank you for being so helpful in keeping our kids safe!
about 1 year ago, Cynthia Jensen
Greetings, This Friday, January 19th, is the last day of Quarter 2/Semester 1 . Report cards will be mailed out at the end of the following week. THERE IS NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS ON MONDAY, JANUARY 22ND! This is a staff-only day to prepare for the next semester. High School students will begin their Semester 2 schedule on Tuesday, January 23rd. Please call the school if you have any questions. Thank you!
about 1 year ago, Cynthia Jensen